Monday, May 4, 2009

Idea for enterprise scanning

Pseudocode for an internal scanner. Attempts to combat environmental manipulation through self-integrity checking, but a better mechanism may be needed.

Assumed this operates in a client/server model with the server offering messages to clients in a one-to-many or several-to-many relationship. Ulitmately, the server should be able to post a request (hash list, updated files) and the clients should pull the list, self check, perform the tests, and report back. The central system should them be able to generate reports based on the results.

INteresting reports might include which scanned successfully, which didn't report, any anomalies discovered. All hashes are passed back to central, so the tool could be used for forensic anomalies, known discovery of artifacts, discovery of similar artifacts within a defined threshhold, or compliance applications (similarity or direct matching). The insider threat model could be integrated by allowing the tracking of defined critical documents within reporting systems.

Client structure follows:

internal scanner

pull updates and signatures. check sig, decode to mem, load hashes

provide non-DOM driver to access disk filesystem - driver client bindings
provide access to memory - Volatility

check self integrity of all components, static files
Walk VAD and dump all processes/dll injects to disk
identify self in proc dump and validate hash vice known

dump registry hives in memory
extract registry values for known hostiles - regripper

for each proc/file
perform static hash scanning >> hashfile
perform context piecewise hashing >> cphfile

compile xml/soap response
encrypt, sign, report back to central

Needed tools:

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