This design will create three separate zones. The first zone is the WAN, which simply picks up the IP address, routing, and DNS information from the FIOS servers. This implements the simple SPI firewall filters.
The second zone is the Trusted LAN, which will be locked down in what it can pass to the other zones. Why treat the Trusted LAN with less trust? Well, if we want to trust assets on that network, we need them to perform in compliant ways. So, instead of inherently trusting assets on that network, we enforce that that segment will act in an assured manner. This means implementing egress controls, limiting weird protocols, and forcing the use of proxies. Think of it less as 'a zone of trusted hosts' and more like 'a zone of hosts I need to trust'. These hosts are subject to more scrutiny as they or their data are more valuable.
The third zone is the DMZ. The hardened proxy/dns server goes in here, but the rest of that segment is for hosts that can't comply with the mandatory restrictions of the Trusted LAN. These are usually consumer appliance devices like iPods, iPads, tablets, video game consoles, Internet-enabled DVD players and the like. My rubric: consumer appliance devices that need Internet access to be useful but are too dumb to print.
I also recommend placing wireless connections into yet another zone to provide granular access controls. Wireless is typically the weakest infrastructure conduit in a home network, excluding PEBKAC. However, attaching wireless access points into the DMZ and Trusted zones may be suitable depending on your ability to secure them.
Pick list:
- Pentium-3 class computer with 256 MB RAM. As this machine is likely 10 years old, purchasing an IDE-to-Compact Flash adapter with an 8GB CF card will give it some pick-up. Assuming there is already one Ethernet onboard the motherboard, this unit should have at least a PCI expansion port capable of supporting a 2- or 4-port Ethernet card. Keep in mind, three ports are required to make this configuration work. With a minimalist firewall OS, like m0n0wall, this will become a capable firewall.
- Matching PCI 2- or 4-port Ethernet card. Server-class coprocessors by Intel are desirable.
- Pentium-4 class computer with 512 MB RAM + 10GB drive. This machine is probably 5-7 years old and needs a little more spunk to deliver layer-7 services. Consider the above-mentioned PCI-to-CF converter for the base OS with a secondary drive for bulk storage. This will become the DMZ proxy and DNS services.
- Pentium class computer, configuration negotiable, lots of bulk disk (fast I/O preferred). This machine will become the internal security auditor, receiving logs from the DMZ proxy and the firewall.
Bringing in the WAN
My FIOS installation has the unfortunate distinction of not using the Ethernet for the WAN connection, but bringing in the WAN backhaul over the COAX. This requires the use of a MOCA adapter to bridge the WAN to Ethernet. Since I don't have any spare MOCA units around and the COAX LAN to the video set-top boxes run over that same COAX line, that means using the ActionTec in a double-bridge confirguration, as documented in my previous post "Verizon FIOS Faux Paus".
Firewall Installation
Download and install m0n0wall on the firewall host. Once the steps are completed to create the double-bridge, or if you have Ethernet WAN, run the WAN line to eth1 of the firewall host. The default setup via the console of the FW host should allow for easy implementation of the WAN (eth1) and LAN (eth0) ports in simple no-ingress, all-egress configuration. Apply a common RFC 1918 private class-C subnet to the trusted LAN. e.g.
Now set up the third interface as a DMZ (eth2). Set it up in standard SPI configuration: block ingress initiates, allow all outbound traffic. This will allow just about anything to work in this network. It also provides a nice guest network for visitors. Apply a different class-C subnet for the DMZ. e.g.
Connect the switches to the respective ports. You should definitely be using separate physical switches for each segment. Otherwise, employ VLAN tagging for the segments on a single switch that can support it. Wireless routers with integrated switches can serve this purpose, just use the Ethernet LAN ports, not the WAN port to avoid double NAT'ing. If using a switch with node presence, like most consumer-grade [wireless] routers, be sure to set the router IP to a private subnet not routable by that served by the LAN it is on. For example, on a 192.168.n.n LAN with a gateway of 192.168.n.1, the router management IP should be 10.n.n.n. Management of the switch should be performed by a direct hookup to a host with a static IP set to the same class-C subnet. It is not a perfect solution, but it will help prevent drive-by XSS exploits on weak router configuration pages and casual scans. Neither is it invisible, as described later. Routers are noisy things.
Establish Essential Services
With basic services going, it is time to establish control over essential services. This will be done on a host operating in the DMZ. This will provide it the access it requires to the Internet for services, make it available to both TRUSTED and DMZ hosts that might make use of it, and protect the TRUSTED network from probes should the box become compromised. However, if the host becomes compromised, it will give the attacker control over traffic direction (DNS) and content (proxy) for the TRUSTED net. I chose Ubuntu for the easy package management, though any *nix operating system should be appropriate. This box should be hardened and tightly monitored.
Most of the Internet operates via HTTP(S) after performing a DNS resolution. Therefore, controlling these protocols is essential to establishing control in the network. With the intent of completely locking down egress protocols on the TRUSTED LAN later on, a fully-featured proxy server is necessary. Caching is also a nice feature to reduce the load of things like updates, which most of the hosts on the network will be doing from Internet sources. SQUID provides caching support, access enforcement, and robust logging features.
Optionally, one can layer DansGuardian as a free regex-based enforcement layer on top of SQUID. It provides access controls suited for many common web ailments. Be advised, it will require a bit of tuning at setup to keep from blocking things like system updates. It also does not respond well for some foreign-language matches, which can become a burden. Otherwise, if you are technically inclined and have time to maintain your own custom lists, this is a great tool.
On the proxy host, also install DNSMASQ. This is the same utility that provides forwarding DNS and DHCP services on many wireless routers. We will only be using it for its DNS capabilities. Edit the dnsmasq configuration file to manually set OpenDNS as the DNS forwarders. OpenDNS provides filtered DNS resolution for free, protecting against many of the most obvious violations by botnet herders by default, even without an registered account. If you choosed to register and add your home network, you can gain further content control based on their domain categorizations.
Set the logging of both squid and dnsmasq to the syslog daemon. Modern syslog services, such as rsyslog and syslog-ng, are capable of filtering different program's logs into rotated files. Establish log directories and rotated log files for squid and dnsmasq. Also fork these feeds to the central syslog server (audit server) to be established later.
Locking Down
Now that DNS and Proxy services are established, adjust the configuration of the firewall. Change the default DHCP behavior from issuing the firewall's IP as the DNS passthrough to issuing the IP address of your proxy/dns server in the DMZ. This will encourage hosts to use the DMZ DNS server, which provides logging and domain access control. In the TRUSTED LAN, adjust your hosts' settings to use the proxy server in the DMZ. This is typically done by setting the proxy values to "http://proxyip:3128/", and selecting 'apply to all protocols'. For Windows boxes, this must be done in Internet Explorer to make system updates work, as well as any other installed browsers that do not integrate with IE's proxy settings. For Gnome Linux hosts, this is typically under System -> Preferences -> Network Proxy as the administrative user. When prompted, confirm 'apply systemwide'.
With hosts in the TRUSTED LAN using the proxy, the firewall can now be prepared to lock out all outbound protocols for that subnet. Establish a rule allowing http/s and dns traffic to the proxy server. Create a rule allowing syslog from the dmz proxy server into your trusted audit server. Establish another rule allowing SSH from the trusted server to the dmz proxy server. This will allow you to manage the proxy server to manage it after first authenticating to the trusted server. Prepare for a day where you will be able to monitor the blocked traffic from the firewall on your syslog server. There will be a few things like anti-virus software updates and email server access that may not respond well to the demand for a proxy server. These will have to be manually updated in the firewall as exceptions. There may be a rule explicitly allowing traffic from the LAN to the DMZ. It should be disabled. Now, as the last rule, reject everything sourced from the TRUSTED LAN. Apply and start watching the logs.
If you have chosen to employ wireless, ensure that the wireless access points are configured to different ESSIDs and encryption keys. They do not service the same networks.
In this post, we've reviewed locking down the network of hosts we need to trust, while still allowing non-proxy-capable devices an allowance to the Internet. The DMZ allows cart-blanche access to all devices, providing a network suitable for Internet-ready appliances and guests. The proxy services enforce proper accesses on the Trusted hosts and the DNS service logs all of the hosts requests.
Next time: Auditing the Logs